New tank - Need some advice

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I did get your pm kio. Sorry about losing your two fish:( that's never a fun thing. To all interested, I am gonna swing by my lfs to get a few pics and pricing for those clowns, im gonna create a new thread for t so im not thread jacking here.
huma-huma said:
I did get your pm kio. Sorry about losing your two fish:( that's never a fun thing. To all interested, I am gonna swing by my lfs to get a few pics and pricing for those clowns, im gonna create a new thread for t so im not thread jacking here.

Jack away... Lol... I'm the one with the interest...
As long as you're ok, im calling in the am to verify price. I for some reason remember seeing them at 34.99 a piece but im gonna call first..then go...(its a 30 minute drive) ill post the price in the am, all I ask is that anyone wanting one or a pair to please pay for the fish and shipping. Im obviously gonna overnight them. Kio you ok if I post a pic of them tomorrow?
huma-huma said:
As long as you're ok, im calling in the am to verify price. I for some reason remember seeing them at 34.99 a piece but im gonna call first..then go...(its a 30 minute drive) ill post the price in the am, all I ask is that anyone wanting one or a pair to please pay for the fish and shipping. Im obviously gonna overnight them. Kio you ok if I post a pic of them tomorrow?

Go for it, brother..
Good deal. I shall return in the am with some good news (hopefully) those clowns caugt me offgaurd with how rich and deep their coloring is.
sorry Kio and all, completely forgot my son had a dentist appointment this morning going to call and get info as soon as the wifey gets home in about 25-30...sorry to keep you all waiting
huma-huma said:
sorry Kio and all, completely forgot my son had a dentist appointment this morning going to call and get info as soon as the wifey gets home in about 25-30...sorry to keep you all waiting

Ur fine man.. I know things happen..
Lights look fab! It makes the color actually stand out in such a noticeable way. What combination of bulbs did you use?
carey said:
Lights look fab! It makes the color actually stand out in such a noticeable way. What combination of bulbs did you use?

Same one mr. X gave me...
UV- 75.25
UV- aquasun
Ati- actinic
Ati- blue plus x 3
Ati- aquablue special
Ge- 6500k
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