new tank new snais!

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Big C

Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 9, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Yup! New tank, new snails. I'm not particularly happy about it, because I didn't invite them in. They must have hitch a hike in one of the new plants. They are different from the ones I have in the old tank. These are a whitish pearl colour with a blue tip. They are not bad looking but I already have two the size of a pea and I don't want a snail invasion! :roll:

Can anybody tell me what kind of snails are them?

Now that I have my new loaches (3 clown and 3 yo yo) should I leave the snail there for snacks? Or should I keep tossing them out?

There is also a brown snail with darker dots all over the body. This one may have come with the plants from the old tank.

Thanks guys!
Now that you have clown loaches, watch the snails disappear. They are loaches best treat. In a couple of weeks no one will be left alive, you will have lots and lots of small shells that you need to get rid off so that your hardness does not go up.
Snails were the reason why I bought clowns in the first place
The first one sounds like a common pond snail. If you could describe the shell of the spotted one, we may have something.

Since you have the anti-snailinator, you could either let them have at them or remove them. If they aren't quick enough on the draw and colonies develop, removal by manual means as quickly as possible is in order.
you should be in no problem with the loaches! I have clown loaches and I had a ton of those small ramshorn... i rarely see them now... i do have MTS though and since they are buried in the gravel and the shells are tough i don't think the clown loaches mess with them much.
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