New Tank Opinions Please!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 17, 2011
Indiana USA

I am not setting it up yet, but I thought I'd get out there and see what everyone suggests.

My aunt is giving me her 75 gallon tank, which she currently is using as a saltwater tank. I won't be setting it up until I have a bigger place (hopefully end of year).

My only experience in fish is with Freshwater fish. I would like to learn more about Saltwater and eventually have a saltwater tank, but I think once I set up this tank, I will be using it as a freshwater.

SO I guess my question here is.. what freshwater fish do you recommend together to live in a tank that size? My Aunt currently has 5 different fish (all different sizes) and then some snails and hermit crabs. It looks so great!

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions in advance!
That's such a hard question, I've done so much browsing. I really like them all, and have been open to most. I really like pufferfish. I like the gouramis, goldfish, and platies. OH! I really like those parrot fish. Idk like I said I'm really open to everything. I think I would like a couple big fish, and then maybe a few smaller ones.
I have fancy goldfish in my 75. In my opinion a 75 is minimum for goldfish since they get so large and like to school. I have had platies in with fancy goldfish with no problems. The occasional platy may be nippy, but 95% of them are not a problem.
Totally agree with you on the goldfish Fishguy. And A 75 gallon ram tank would be beautiful!!!
IME rams will have a pair and that is it. I have seen one pair decide that a 120 was not enough room for another pair.
My hillstream loach is my favorite fish. My lfs sells them by the name butterfly pleco. They are just really cool looking, very stingray-ish.
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