new tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 28, 2005
Im gonna set up a new 240gal tank and I have a few questions. How many tinfoil barbs can live in there, in going to max on them and only have a pleco living with them. How should i aerate the water witout using bubble sticks? Would 2 xp3s be good enough to filter it?
I would go 10-14 tinfoils at most...they are big fish at an eventual 12-14" and require some fair swimming room. Just the barbs plus a pleco should do just fine with two XP3s running.
Yeah, those tinfoil barbs get huge! And they are tireless swimmers. I had three in a 4 foot long 58 gallon tank, and they were way too large. I bought them small, and had no idea of their eventual size, until I saw them at the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. They were monsters! There was also a sign in the Shed that they did not accept fish donations from people whose fish had outgrown their tank. If my memory is correct, that announcement was near the tank with the tinfoil barbs. Coincidence?
Ive been to Shed Aquarium and from what I can remember they had all of there tanks well stocked.. I can see why they dont except donations... They have great displays.. I would recommend a visit to anyone that asked.. :D
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