new to plants...I'm sure you've all read this before...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2003
Iowa, US
I am pretty new to the whole aquarium thing, but even newer to plants. I am pretty confident and prepared with the fish and cycling, but I never really had much of a green thumb, nor any botony classes in college.

I added five plants to my 30 gal tank at the same time I added 5 zebra danios to begin cycling my tank (after having it prep for a week with just water). I got two Anacharis plants, two Amazon Swords and another slightly different sword plant (thinner leave, shorter stem, half the height). Substrate is 1" flourite and 1" normal gravel. Filter is a Bio-Wheel 330, no airstones, try to keep the Bio-Wheel from developing much splash, no bubble-makers and no CO2 system. Light is a normal flourescent, not sure the wattage offhand.

The tank itself is cycling, ammonia spiked to about .5 the first day, but has been nil since then. The nitrites jumped after three days of fish/plants and is still attempting to drop down, but has leveled off around 5.0 I think. The tank is entering it's first full week.

The fish are doing great, but the plants will have me worried for now. The Swords with their broad leaves have been a bit spotty, I have had one shoot die from each bunch, and another was viciously attacked by a rogue snail that I didn't get washed off (still waiting on the prognosis on how the leaf will fare). The Anacharis are also looking a slight shade of brown.

my questions:
1) Are you supposed to take the ties/baskets/wool off the bottom of the plants? I took all of mine off, but does it matter? I guess it just made planting a bit harder as they all like to float away...

2) Flourite I have heard is good, but do I need any fertilizer, and if so, what should I look into?

3) I'm definintely not the best in diagnosing how healthy a plant is, or what certain symptoms indicate, but is an initial struggle normal for plants? I remember reading somewhere that many plants will look a little brown at first, but after things get situated, they tend to get happy again.

4) Any other tips on caring for plants?

Also, my anticipation is that all my plants will die, and my pre-determined "success threshold" will be to have even just one plant live a healthy long life. :) Whereas losing a fish will be pushing my personal "success threshold."

Thanks in advance for any input!
Light. You need more light. I'm betting you only have at most 20 watts of light. For a 30 gallon tank you really should shoot for 60 watts. Which 30 gallon tank do you have?

Also it's very possible that your sword plants were grown immersed and are now adapting to submerged growth.
I don't know what kind of 30 gal tank, as I "inherited" it....but it's just a big rectangle (that doesn't help much, I know).

You're right, the bulb is a 20W bulb. I already had planned my first real "upgrade" to be the whole hood, as it is in a few pieces from the previous owner, and I know my kitties will someday get adventurous enough to jump on top. I'll have to push that upgrade up a little bit sooner, and definitely get a better light.

Another question...I have a timer for the light, is there any preferred number of hours to have it on/off? Right now it turns off at 12am and on around 7:30am.
New Hood

I'd think about getting an all glass cover to pop the new light on. They're sturdy and not too expensive and you won't loose as much h2o to evaporation. Maybe $10 to $15 bucks new for a 30 gallon. And they're not PLASTIC! Betowess
Your light should be on 10-12 hours a day.

What are the measurements of the tank?
Measurements are very rough:

height: 17.5 inches
width: 12 inches
length: 30 inches

Another question: Do plants use the Nitrates that are made from nitrites? I imagine they do, since non-aquatic ones do..

I bought a Nitrate test just to assuage my fears that my nitrites aren't being convert, but I do have nitrates climbing a bit and nitrites seem to have leveled off or even diminished a bit. The Danios are still doing great!
Another question: Do plants use the Nitrates that are made from nitrites? I imagine they do, since non-aquatic ones do..

Yes they do. Many folks who have heavily planted tanks even have to ADD Nitrate to the tank.

However, in your case, you are going to HAVE to upgrade the lighting for plants to do well. If they don't have enough light for proper photosynthesis, they will NOT use nitrates, or any other fertilizer.
Your tank sounds more like a 29 gallon than a 30 gallon. Normally glass 30 gallon tanks are 36" long
:p The dimensions are extremely rough, like I said. I used a broken school ruler that has survived high school and college (barely). So it's by no means something that should be used to calculate my gallons. :)

29 gal is probably I don't think I was 6 inches off on the length.
I'd think about getting an all glass cover to pop the new light on. They're sturdy and not too expensive and you won't loose as much h2o to evaporation. Maybe $10 to $15 bucks new for a 30 gallon. And they're not PLASTIC!

Where do find these all glass covers at?

Secondly, I plan on DIY lighting from Lowes, should I buy the light frist then go find a hood/ballast at Lowes. Or should I just go get the hood/ballast and assume that the are aqaurium lights that fit it?

Tank is 29 gallon 30x12, 55 watts should be enough right?
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