New used aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 31, 2008
Scarborough, Maine
So, a new aquarium dropped into my lap today. It will be perfect for my Betta who is at the moment recovering (maybe) in a quart sized container with tank water from the tank he was in.

Hexagon 10.5"x7"x8" (I think it's about 1.5gal - anybody know?) It came with some whitish river rock, a mini 7.5w heater (it's small and flat with no way to attach to the side of the tank, does it go under the rocks or something?), and a Whisper 1-3gal filter.

Was just going to rinse the whole thing down in a white vinegar/water mixture and then rinse with plain water like crazy. Thoughts?

I was thinking about taking filter media from the tank he was orginally in and cutting it to fit in the smaller version and then also using the same tank water to fill up the new one. I know this doesn't mean it will be cycled but should get me there quicker.

My question is should the Betta be okay in it?
I have that same size tank for one of my bettas. That heater is fine as long as you check the temperature before you put your betta in to make sure it is preset right. I haven't had problems but some have complained about it not being warm enough. I hide my heater behind plants.

Bettas actually usually do better in a tank by themselves, it is less stressful on them.
If you have some decorations from the main tank you could put in there or even some of the gravel from another tank it will cycle faster. I usually seed my new tanks but still watch the water just in case it doesn't have enough good bacteria.

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