New West Coast member here!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 6, 2006
Western WA
Hi all, just thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm just now getting a serious aquarium. I had small 5-gallon goldfish tanks as a kid, but I didn't maintain them very well. Got a red-eared slider turtle in college that has grown from 1.5" to 7" and now lives in an outdoor pond...which also has some feeder goldfish.

I've thought about getting a bigger-than-5-gallon tank for a while, but the prices were a bit daunting. Recently, thanks to, I found a used 25-gallon Eclipse aquarium that came with many extras (heater, gravel, driftwood, extra filters). I like the Eclipse system, since its design seems great for beginners and it takes little space...since all the filter stuff is in the hood.

The aquarium is still empty. I've ordered some live plants (java fern, anubis nana), reinforced the bookshelf/tank stand, and just finished a DIY driftwood/PVC decoration.

As for fish, I'll probably start with Zebra Danios...then eventually have a school of tetras (neons or lemons or ?), 5-7 ghost shrimp, 2-4 otos, others TBD (endler's or swordtails or platies or ?). Any opinions or suggestions about this set-up are appreciated.

If you've read this far...thanks for reading and glad to meet ya! This site seems to have a ton of valuable info and a very active forum.
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