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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 20, 2012
Completely new to fish keeping!!! So excited. I just got a Marine land 29 LED kit if that helps. I know about cycling and water params are 0 0 5. Just don't know about stocking. Any ideas. Please post pics of 29 gallons for inspiration?! Is Marine land a good quality or is Aqueon better?
How good is the filter? Once the tank is well established you could probably aim for a nice community tank such as:

10 rummynose/cardinal tetras

6 panda cories

1 German blue ram

1 honey gourami

Also, lots of plants!
Welcome to AA, glad you found us here :) ... Do you have any fish in mind to begin with to give us a direction you would like to take the tank or even a specific color your looking for? Also the kits are a great way to start in freshwater fish keeping. As long as you don't over stock and pick good compatible inhabitants you'll be off to a great start in a very fun, rewarding hobby :)
So the tank is new? How did you cycle it? Letting it run doesn't cycle it contrary to what the people at the stores might tell you.

For a filter, I think Aquaclear are really good; for a 29 gallon you could get an Aquaclear 50 or 70.

It's hard to suggest stocking when we don't know what's available to you (unless you're willing to have fish shipped). You might want to visit some fish stores, write down what you like and then ask here and we can help.
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