Newbie Alert in San Diego

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 29, 2012
Hi everyone-
This is Waterwoman coming to you from the San Diego area.I have just restarted my fresh water aquarium. I closed down my last one about 6-8 months ago,(after about 3 years), due to about a gazillion trumpet snails and the fact that while I was gone on vacation, the majority of my favorite fish died. I gave away the rest of the fish, dumped my substrate into the garden, and took a break while I pondered my next set up. ( I was heartbroken over the deaths of my 3"German Rams and my beautiful golden veil angel, et al).
I decided to do a planned, planted aquarium, this time. My aquarium is a 75 gallon show tank (48"Wx13"Dx25"H), so it is not an easy tank to build in, but I have some beautiful onyx from a defunct mine that I got in Mexico, and I bought a nice Manzanita branch to use as my secondary point of interest. I have planted with lots of low stuff (narrow-leaf mini-chain sword, dwarf hair grass and baby tears) in the front, Taiwan moss"leaves" on the manzanita, and a few nice things in the back including Marsh Mermaidweed, which I really like.
So far the only fish I have put in are 15 Harlequin Rasboras. I will be adding some Julii Corys as soon as I can get them and by tomorrow I should have about 20 Nerite snails, of various types, in there, as I just ordered a few more.
The reason I decided to join this forum, is that I don't know any experienced aquarists, personally, and I want to exchange ideas and experiences with other people who love doing this, too. I really hope to make some new fish-lover type friends.
Thanks, all.
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