newbie asking basic feeding question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 15, 2004
How do you determine what the proper amount of food for your fish is?
How often should you feed them?
and so on...
what kind of fish? how many? how big?
you should feed them a max of twice a day.
Depends on the type of fishies ;)

In general it's a lot harder to starve a fish.... waaaay too easy to over feed.
smallfry said:
Depends on the type of fishies ;)

In general it's a lot harder to starve a fish.... waaaay too easy to over feed.
and there you have it. :D
thanks for the quick response I have a few gold fish and a a krap eater thing-ma-bobber nothing major
dont feed them to much. you don't want the amonia to build up to fast. your "crap eater thing-ma-bobber", is probaly a pleco. if so they put alot of amonia in you tank alone, seeing how they put out high amounts of it.
You should feed your fish no more than it can consume in 2-3 minutes. Your pleco would love if you gave it some algae wafers from time to time. I feed my fish every other day.
I usually sprinkle a little so that they're gone in less than a minute. When all the fish are crazy looking for food, then I sprinkle a little more so that my rather slower fish also has a chance to eat. I do so as I figured that some of my fish just don't realize there's a feeding until the food is all gone if I dump the whole feeding at once.
krap eater thing-ma-bobber
FYI~no fish eats the waste of other fish. These are fish, not dogs :wink:
Your pleco will love algae wafers, blanched peas, zucchini or cucumber. The goldies will love goldie pellets and I'm not sure what else.
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