Newbie at aquascaping, new tank... Help?

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GrimmGoby said:
You could try Anachrias, that's easy to grow.

That's cool, I'll try some of that. I have an anubias nana plant in there right now, and it's doing ok right now. Any others?
Homedog98 said:
That's cool, I'll try some of that. I have an anubias nana plant in there right now, and it's doing ok right now. Any others?

Hmm narrow leaf java fern seems to be near 0 maintenance! I had it for a month! And there's all these small shoots comin out from under it's leaf! No idea what to do with them though! Haha
I bought a (not sure of the name) Banana Plant and it sprouts and sends a little lily pad to the top of the water.


  • ForumRunner_20110602_114304.jpg
    62 KB · Views: 157
Also look into cabomba it grows really easy and when it gets to high just cut it and replant the pieces that u cut off and they will start growing
xfactor6699 said:
Also look into cabomba it grows really easy and when it gets to high just cut it and replant the pieces that u cut off and they will start growing

Will it do in light as low as mine?
Homedog98 said:
Will it do in light as low as mine?

With the new light u will be fine... I dont even have 2 watts per gallon and my plants do great I started with one purple cabomba and in 3 months I have 12 plants about to cut them down and start a new cluster
Also if ur looking for another tall plant that will do good my crypto. Spirialis does awesome its my other tall plant in my tank
Homedog98 said:
What are all of them?

The 2 that are on wood are java moss the tall one by the filter behind the big drift wood is cabomba the other tall one is the crypto spirialis and the leafed one is asst. aponogeton also u can't see it but I have a java moss wall that's 35'' by 18'' with 15 bundles of java moss
Wow thanks! I like all of those! I'll do some comparing and see which ones would go where. any ideas? Here's the tank again:


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I would get some java moss and tie it to the drift wood with some fishing line then get 2 cryptos and put one on both sides in the back (in the corners) then in between those in the back put some cabomba as a back drop.... Also think about getting a tall piece of drift wood to put in a front corner and attach java moss to it I think that would look really good but that's me
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