Newbie at aquascaping, new tank... Help?

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Pretty sure the GSP needs 20-30 gal in a tank by himself. I love them though. Tried F8 for a while, but was a still a total newb and hadn't even caught on how to care for the FW fish yet. I couldn't get the hang of the brackish water. Poor thing died.
brandi17201 said:
The puffer fish is really neat to watch...I also love the halfbeak...

Talk to mr. Limpet on this site. Send him a PM. He has a tank dedicated to them. I'd be willing to bet he'll help you out.
you need to add a lot of "decor'. A lot. I personally like to stay on the natural side when i decorate my tanks. i normally go to down to the lake and the creeks around my town to look for cool rocks because i dont like the way store bought decor looks. i would even look at your local garden or landscape stores because they normally have interesting rocks. ill go to the rockshop for focal points because the rock shop has some really cool rocks..obviously.
I just found a little baby molly...and the female molly is preg for the 2nd time...looks like only 1 survived before...


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imtcurveball said:
you need to add a lot of "decor'. A lot. I personally like to stay on the natural side when i decorate my tanks. i normally go to down to the lake and the creeks around my town to look for cool rocks because i dont like the way store bought decor looks. i would even look at your local garden or landscape stores because they normally have interesting rocks. ill go to the rockshop for focal points because the rock shop has some really cool rocks..obviously.

Who me or the other guy?
brandi17201 said:
I have not seen my halfbeak today so I think it got eaten...:-(

Yikes! Search the tank for it just in case. Also search behind the tank in case he jumped
Yea I will have to look more for it tomorrow...our dog sometimes jumps up and drinks out of my tank and I hope she did not eat it since the halfbeak hangs out on the top of the water
brandi17201 said:
Yea I will have to look more for it tomorrow...our dog sometimes jumps up and drinks out of my tank and I hope she did not eat it since the halfbeak hangs out on the top of the water

My cat is guilty of drinking out of my tank sometimes as well. She's gotten a rainbow shark, a guppy, and 2 tetras so far. Then I got a hood, so no more snacks!
Well I do have a hood...she drinks out where the gap is at the filter...I need a
Ok, added some anarchis and a Pygmy chain sword. No java moss, and no java fern at petco. :p how do you think it looks?


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That tall plant in the back is was I used to have...that stuff grows so fast. I had some in mine but I got rid of it...I have a question for do you trim the plants? Your tank looks good so far!
I like it. I want to see fish in it. I wonder how some anacharis or purple cabomba would do in there?
Bud said:
I like it. I want to see fish in it. I wonder how some anacharis or purple cabomba would do in there?

I have anarchis in there lol. It's the tall plant in the corner. And trust me... I want fish in it too lol.
Bud said:
I like it. I want to see fish in it. I wonder how some anacharis or purple cabomba would do in there?

Yes purple cabomba and when it gets to tall just cut it and replant the pieces u cut its an awesome plant I have it and luv it
xfactor6699 said:
Yes purple cabomba and when it gets to tall just cut it and replant the pieces u cut its an awesome plant I have it and luv it

Really? Man, you wouldn't happen to have any clippings you could send me would you?
Homedog98 said:
Really? Man, you wouldn't happen to have any clippings you could send me would you?

Yeah I could pm me I can probably send out some next week
It's going along well home dog! But personally I would take the DW out because it makes it look like a wire or a tube or something (no offense). Besides that I like your rock placement in the center. And when you do eventually get plants you should put one popping out from there.
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