Newbie at aquascaping, new tank... Help?

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xfactor6699 said:
Also I would put in a black background it makes things stand out

Ya, that's also on the list lol. I'm going either black or dark blue. Probably dark blue though, since I have a lot of dark fish that I don't want to blend in.
Well if u set up the plants like I put out or close to a black background would work better and ur fish will stand out no problem
I am also new to aquascaping and learning the dos and donts. I have a 10 gallon tank. I have some plants in there but not sure what they are called. I started using plant gro NPK. I change 50% of the water twice a month. I had algae problems for awhile but I think I have gotten that under control. I am looking for some foreground grass for the bottom of my tank that grows slightly fast. I have two 10 watt 65k bulbs. Im not an expert on lighting. The fish I have are 4 tiger barbs, 2 neon tetras, 1 algae eater, green spotted puffer, a half beak, and 1 other small fish not sure what its called. I started using fertilizer because the plants I have had purple flowers on it that died off and have not come back but the plants are growing tall fast. Any suggestions of what to do to my tank?
Here are some pics of my fish and tank


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Homedog98 said:
Could I do dwarf baby tears? Also... How easy are liquid ferts?

Hmm i think baby tears require medium to high lights but I know mdfrookie? Forgot his name has successfully plant them in his first planted tank with low lights!

And fertilizers I use are seachem flourish excel, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (the latter 3 I only use it when necessary not a set schedule), API root tabs and API leaf zone. And they are easy to use! Just buy a few syringes, they make ur life so much easier when it comes to measuring!
And also u can download an app from AppStore called "dose" it's a seachem application and it helps u calculate how much to dose! I love it
Hubert90 said:
And also u can download an app from AppStore called "dose" it's a seachem application and it helps u calculate how much to dose! I love it

Free? Does it work for ammonia and stuff for cycling?
brandi17201 said:
I am also new to aquascaping and learning the dos and donts. I have a 10 gallon tank. I have some plants in there but not sure what they are called. I started using plant gro NPK. I change 50% of the water twice a month. I had algae problems for awhile but I think I have gotten that under control. I am looking for some foreground grass for the bottom of my tank that grows slightly fast. I have two 10 watt 65k bulbs. Im not an expert on lighting. The fish I have are 4 tiger barbs, 2 neon tetras, 1 algae eater, green spotted puffer, a half beak, and 1 other small fish not sure what its called. I started using fertilizer because the plants I have had purple flowers on it that died off and have not come back but the plants are growing tall fast. Any suggestions of what to do to my tank?

Seems to me like u are overstock.

But to me u could do with a dark background. Makes everything stand out(black is a good choice). Also move those plants to the back of they tank and get some foreground plants and plants that aint gonna get as big as the ones u already have to place in the middle of ur tank (if u get what I mean).

Here's a good link
brandi17201 said:
I am also new to aquascaping and learning the dos and donts. I have a 10 gallon tank. I have some plants in there but not sure what they are called. I started using plant gro NPK. I change 50% of the water twice a month. I had algae problems for awhile but I think I have gotten that under control. I am looking for some foreground grass for the bottom of my tank that grows slightly fast. I have two 10 watt 65k bulbs. Im not an expert on lighting. The fish I have are 4 tiger barbs, 2 neon tetras, 1 algae eater, green spotted puffer, a half beak, and 1 other small fish not sure what its called. I started using fertilizer because the plants I have had purple flowers on it that died off and have not come back but the plants are growing tall fast. Any suggestions of what to do to my tank?

Whoa there! Before we work on plants and stuff... You need to work on you're fish situation! First of all, tiger barbs will outgrow your tank, and possibly nip your other fish to death in the process. The neon tetras need to be in groups of at least 6, and the puffer Is a brackish water fish. They are also extremely aggressive when they reach sexual maturity, so need to be in a tank by themselves. Also... What type of algae eater? Can you post a pic? As for the half beak... Also will get waaaaaaaay too big for that tank. Can you post a pic of the mystery fish as well? I know this isn't really what you wanted to hear, But they call me the stocking police for a reason lol.
Homedog98 said:
Whoa there! Before we work on plants and stuff... You need to work on you're fish situation! First of all, tiger barbs will outgrow your tank, and possibly nip your other fish to death in the process. The neon tetras need to be in groups of at least 6, and the puffer Is a brackish water fish. They are also extremely aggressive when they reach sexual maturity, so need to be in a tank by themselves. Also... What type of algae eater? Can you post a pic? As for the half beak... Also will get waaaaaaaay too big for that tank. Can you post a pic of the mystery fish as well? I know this isn't really what you wanted to hear, But they call me the stocking police for a reason lol.

Ya that's what I though. A puffer needs more than 10! Hmm Im amazed at how he managed to fit all these in his tank. And +1 for doing something about ur fish before plants.
Thanks for the info...the other fish is a glofish...I did not know the halfbeak would get that big. I have a bigger tank that my fiance has that I can move the fish to once they get too big but I am eventually getting a bigger thank. The puffer. Fish was in the community fish tanks at the fish store..hmmmm weird
brandi17201 said:
Thanks for the info...the other fish is a glofish...I did not know the halfbeak would get that big. I have a bigger tank that my fiance has that I can move the fish to once they get too big but I am eventually getting a bigger thank. The puffer. Fish was in the community fish tanks at the fish store..hmmmm weird

I'm guessing u got the puffer from wally world even if not most lfs dont know anything about puffers the biggest mistake that lfs make is not knowing that they are a brackish fish
brandi17201 said:
Thanks for the info...the other fish is a glofish...I did not know the halfbeak would get that big. I have a bigger tank that my fiance has that I can move the fish to once they get too big but I am eventually getting a bigger thank. The puffer. Fish was in the community fish tanks at the fish store..hmmmm weird

Most Fish stores don't care enough about the fish they stock to research what they need. I'm not surprised. Post an add for it in the classified's in the forum. It'll find a better home then if you took it back to the store. Unless you'd like to start a brackish tank... "cough" MTS! Lol.
I have a much bigger tank as well.. I did have 5 neon tetras but 3 of them died. As far as fertilizer how often should I add it. It does not say on the bottle. Is my lighting good for my tank?
brandi17201 said:
I have a much bigger tank as well.. I did have 5 neon tetras but 3 of them died. As far as fertilizer how often should I add it. It does not say on the bottle. Is my lighting good for my tank?

Use the dose app suggested above if you can, but if not... well... I'm not sure lol. But how big Are these bigger tanks?
Its 35 not sure off hand what he has in his tank...but they are agressive fish...
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