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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 6, 2013
Hello everybody! I would like to introduce myself. Im fairly new to the aquarium world. I have a 20 gal starter tank for about a month now and i can say im hooked! I have a tetra 20 filter soon to be uupgrading to a aquaclear or fluval. I have 2 black mollies, 4 zebra danios, 3 red plateys, 5 guppies (3female 2male.) I need all the pointers i can get. Also recently my two black mollies were diagnosed with columnaris and i have been treating with maracyn oxy whats your opinion on that!?
Hello everybody! I would like to introduce myself. Im fairly new to the aquarium world. I have a 20 gal starter tank for about a month now and i can say im hooked! I have a tetra 20 filter soon to be uupgrading to a aquaclear or fluval. I have 2 black mollies, 4 zebra danios, 3 red plateys, 5 guppies (3female 2male.) I need all the pointers i can get. Also recently my two black mollies were diagnosed with columnaris and i have been treating with maracyn oxy whats your opinion on that!?
Hi. And welcome to AA!

The reason that you may have gotten columnaris in your tank is because your tank is overstocked. If you want to keep that stock, you're going to need more advanced filtration.

Anyways, welcome! You'll find some professional people on this app that can help you with anything! :)
Ok thanks! I wil definitely be upgrading soon to a aquaclear or fluval c3.
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