Newbie needs help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 17, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I was hoping to get some advice. I am new to SWA. I got a 40 gal hexagonal tank from a friend. I am planning on using lr and sand in the talk as a biological filter. I would appriciate any imput into what skimmer's, filter's(if needed) and pumps (if needed) as well as any other required items that I should use. Please be specific so that I can look at the items as I am so new that I'm not sure what most of this stuff looks like. Also what is a sump. Any other suggestions about any aspect of setup or stocking. Also any suggestions as to fish and sand/ rock combinations would be appreciated. I am interested in building the best tank on a tight budget without compromising quality or esthetics...


i can give you some info about the sump, the sump is a way to increse the volume of your display tank. It is a good place to put the skimmer, heater and other conditioning equipment. I am new at this aswell and i was going to put in a sump this weekend i have a 65 gal tank and an old 30 gal tank i was going to use the 30 as a sump which would bring my total water volume upto 95 gal which will help keep the water more stable. you should check out the articals in this site there is one about sumps that i found helpfull
If you have enough LR, no extra filter is needed, just circulation in the main tank in the form of powerheads. (a pair of Maxi-Jet 1200s or a single Seio powerhead could provide enough flow unless you have tons of corals).

Stay away from Prizm and Seaclone skimmers. Good brands include AquaC (Remora if you don't have a sump, Urchin if you do), ASM, Deltec (expensive).

Do you plan on keeping any corals? If so, lighting is very very important. If not, anything will really do.
I appriciate that, so basically as long as I have enough lr, ls, a skimmer, and some power heads I don't need any other type of filter. I am not going to try coral until I have more experience. Do I need anything else for the tank.

Any suggestions on what fish and inverts to stock the tank with...

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