Newbie - Shrimp Advice

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 2, 2013
Suffolk, UK
Hi All,

This might not be posted in the right place but I'm still finding my way round this site.

Just have a quick question... In addition to my two 240L tanks I have also set up a smaller shrimp tank containing Cherry / Pumpkin / Bamboo shrimp and 3 Laos micro crabs.

Ashamedly I have somewhat neglected the tank and to my surprise the Cherry Shrimp are breeding like mad. I now have a Bamboo shrimp carrying eggs - can anyone offer advice on breeding Bamboos or do I just let nature take its course as I have been doing?

Sadly, the bamboo shrimp has larvae that need brackish water to survive. They can hatch in fresh water, but then need 90 days in brackish to morph into shrimplets. But way to go getting one berried.. I've been trying for awhile to get mine to do that, as I really want to try raising them.
How are the crabs doing ? I had some, but the poor things did not live long. I don't know what I did wrong, and have not seen any since to try again. What's in the tank and what do you feed them, if anything ?

Btw, by what's in the tank, I mean plants, decor, water parameters, anything else you can tell me. How long have you had the crabs too ? There is at least one instance of them reproducing in a tank, but only one baby was seen alive. Not much is known about them.. so I'm very interested in anything I can learn, in case I get another chance to keep some.
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