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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 4, 2016
Hey guys got a tropical tank set up its getting there nice to meet you all

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Not sure what the gallon is got 2 angels 2 female Siamese fighters 1 male fighter a big plec a shark thing a frog and 3 fish I don't no the name of and gaurami 9 tetras and some others ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1459803091.962768.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1459803128.719471.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1459803191.455803.jpg

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Hi, Welcome !

My advice is research your fish a bit more.

Your Bala Shark needs a group and a much bigger tank. They hit 12" and grow fast. Think giant Minnow.

Watch out with your Bettas, they typically fight each other and most people only keep females together. YMMV
plus they often get picked on by faster fish in community set ups.

I see at least one Penguin Tetra
(Thayeria boehlkei) they are larger Tetras and hit 3"

Your 3 spot Gourami may stay nice or may get Nasty as it gets larger.

You can measure your tank and find the size in gallons.

Your Frog may do better in a small tank with a couple other frogs. He may have a hard time competing.

Common Plecos typically need about 125g or bigger tanks. They live years with decent care.

When you are ready to try live plants give us a shout [emoji1360]



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Had the tank a while had 3 frogs but 2 died the one on his own is doing amazing the fish never really fight the bettas get along really well with each other surprising the shark one of the kids picked

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Hi everyone well looks like I, am
a newbie once again haha 63years old and still a newbie just a few words I won't bore you I, am called Taffy discuss had fish for years about 30 years and still learning hope to be a beneficial member to all members if I can and hope to learn from you guys to thanks for your time taffydiscus
Hi Ralph looks like we're both newbies hope we can be friends and help each other catch u later

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