Newby from Colorado

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 21, 2014
We are new fish tank owners. We have a 10 gallon tank with 2 mollies, 1 pleco, 1 african dwarf frog, and 2 mystery snails. We have recently noticed they have ich. Can the mystery snails and the ADF get ich? How do I treat the ich? We also have a smaller tank, we have put 10 baby mollies in (our mommy mollie had babies) Does the ich exist in the water or just on the fish? We have no clue what to do, please help ASAP!!:fish2:
Your Tank

Hello Newb from CO...

Start removing and replacing the tank water regularly. Change half every couple of days and replace that with pure, treated tap water. Do a good job of vacuuming the bottom material. Raise the temperature in the water 10 degrees. Do all this until you see improvment in the fish.

The snails and frog won't be infected, but your fish are sick because the water isn't clean enough and this could make the rest of the tank inhabitants ill.

Consider a much larger tank. 30 gallons is about right for starters. A larger tank will give you a better chance to succeed in the "waterkeeping" hobby.

So I have been reading people use salt in the water also with this process. I shouldn't use salt? How long will this process take?
I've 100% success with API Super Ick Cure and recommend it for use. My tanks are typically clear within 48 hrs. Raising the temperature will hasten treatment but will also deplete oxygen in the water. If you do raise the temperature, you should also increase aeration with an air stone or by reducing water level if you are using a hang on back filter.

I guess salt is okay, I've never tried it. But I have heard that I am supposed to clean out wounds with salt water. So maybe it's a similar thought process.

Good luck!
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