Newly Planted Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 10, 2018
Georgia, USA
I recently got the Marineland 5 gal. aquarium from Petco. It comes with a filter and an LED light. Many say that the lights work excellent for plants but for some reason, my plants arent thriving. I have been using Flourish and Flourish Excel. I have caribsea substrate with API root tabs. Not sure of what plants I purchased but they were from Petco (in the little tubes). A few of them are java ferns. The issue I'm experiencing is my plants are dying. My Wysteria has already died and been removed. I am using the 50 watt aquaeon heater. My plants are getting dark spots on them? Picture of my tank is attached.
I recently got the Marineland 5 gal. aquarium from Petco. It comes with a filter and an LED light. Many say that the lights work excellent for them but for some reason, my plants are thriving. I have been using Flourish and Flourish Excel. I have caribsea substrate with API root tabs. Not sure of what plants I purchased but they were from Petco (in the little tubes). A few of them are java ferns. The issue I'm experiencing is my plants are dying. My Wysteria has already died and been removed. I am using the 50 watt aquaeon heater. My plants are getting dark spots on them? Picture of my tank is attached.

This is the photo of my aquarium.
For java ferns and Anubis, it is best to not cover the tuber or root stalk. This will cause them not to do well. Burying the roots is fine. These plants are often tied to driftwood and small pieces of rock. Lighting wise, these are not demanding plants. They are very slow growing though. The fertilizers will help.
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