Aquarium Advice Addict
Was at my LFS this morning getting another test done and looking at his new GBR's he called me on.
Didnt get em, they were too small for my other fish right now.
I did however stop at petsmart to get dog and cat food, and obviously I had to go down that wall and found a HI-FIN Platy( BERLIN LINE orange and black looks nice in the tank actually)
and another larger blushing Angel, They are in QT now, the tank was salted and heat turned up for the betta fin issue.
Best part was they were not supposed to be there, I found the angel in with some guppies and the platy in with regular platy's, Took some looking to notice it didnt belong.
Ill get pics once they get out of QT and into the right environment.
Didnt get em, they were too small for my other fish right now.
I did however stop at petsmart to get dog and cat food, and obviously I had to go down that wall and found a HI-FIN Platy( BERLIN LINE orange and black looks nice in the tank actually)
and another larger blushing Angel, They are in QT now, the tank was salted and heat turned up for the betta fin issue.
Best part was they were not supposed to be there, I found the angel in with some guppies and the platy in with regular platy's, Took some looking to notice it didnt belong.
Ill get pics once they get out of QT and into the right environment.