Nils 2.5G upgrade to 5.5G DP Build!

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Is the tank still cycling? If so leave the light off. This helps reduce the algae. Also breaking the photoperiod to say.. 4 on, 2 off, 4 on. That makes it much harder for algae to grow. Also up the water changes. IMO that's the best way along with manual cleaning/removal to get rid of it.

The current tank isn't cycling. I do one PWC per week now, probably 75% of water is changed. The lights are only on from 7 AM to 2:30 PM (I have them on a timer) It isn't so bad that it kills plants, it just makes everything look bad.
So I decided to maybe do a moss wall. Is this doable without Co2? Any tips or advice for this is greatly appreciated. It wouldn't cover the whole entire back wall, maybe just the part that isn't under the filter. Probably going to do the reshape and everything this weekend, if I have time. Also, how much moss should I start with. Sorry I haven't had an update in a while, just didn't have anything to say.
Do you know who that is? Sorry if this thread has died, my brother is having health issues and is in the hospital right now so it's kind of holding up my progress with the tank. I've decided to ditch the sponge and Biomax running right now in the cycling filter on the 16 because it probably has the parasites and/or their eggs in it and don't want to let them get into the new tank, so I'm just taking a new sponge and the Biomax that's currently in the filter running on the 2.5 I'm going to be doing the moss wall with Java moss, it's the only kind I have around here. Stay tuned for updates!
Thanks TMRC. This helps a lot. I'm going with just a 6" by 6" piece of plastic mesh, or whatever you call it. I want to see how a small portion of the wall works before I cover the whole back wall in an ugly plastic thing. Any tips otherwise are welcome.
Ok so a bit of an update! I got the sand today and put that in, and tomorrow I'm doing a temporary scape until the plants I won from Autumn Sky comes in on Wednesday or Thursday. So I'll post a video today, just for the heck of it. Oh yeah and does anybody know what kind of moss works the best for the wall? I'm receiving peacock moss and I already have a lot of java moss. Will it grow Okay together? Thanks! (Oh yea and excuse the Avengers, I share a room with my little brother) :D
Temporary scape completed!

Well, finally did the move! Didn't take as long as I thought it would, but here it is! Still going to fill in spaces with the plants on Tuesday! And soon I'm making a trip to my favorite LFS and buying some crypts there. It's an amazing store! Feel free to give me thoughts or comments on this tank.
Well, finally did the move! Didn't take as long as I thought it would, but here it is! Still going to fill in spaces with the plants on Tuesday! And soon I'm making a trip to my favorite LFS and buying some crypts there. It's an amazing store! Feel free to give me thoughts or comments on this tank.

Pics please

I'm back
Ok I'll try and attach this picture, to sure if it will work though. Never mind, it didn't work :/
Try Photobucket to upload pics.

Sent per three-eyed raven..
I don't have an actual camera to upload pictures. Oh well. Anyway, the tank is doing fine so far. Puffer was a bit pale until today, I'm assuming it was just because of stress. He is eating fine though. Hopefully Autumns plants come soon, really excited for them. Oh yeah and I made the moss wall, just a small section. It's currently in my 16 for growing, but once it gets to a point where you can mostly not see the mesh anymore I'll put it in the 5.5. It's only a 4" by 4" piece, but I want to try this out first before I put this whole huge ugly sheet of plastic in my tanks and nothing comes out of it. I'm hoping that Puffer will love swimming and hiding in it. Right now he just sleeps, hides and swims through his Dwarf Sag :) Updates coming as soon as the plants decide to show up.
The plants finally came! I made a pretty dense jungle out of it, with some space left for the fish to swim. It was great doing this with Autumn, I highly recommend her and I would definitely do this again with her! Always stayed in touch and always had great communication! I'll try attaching a video but don't yell at me if it doesn't work. :oops: So hopefully it attaches. My mom gave me some pretty cool grassy like stuff yesterday that is like a marsh plant, it looks like really thin bamboo and sends out green shoots from one big main root system and sends it above the water. Really cool. Enjoy! Updates on plants coming soon!
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