NitrAte spike, what causes it?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2011
Planet Earth
Tap water tests fine.

Ammonia 0

pH 8.2

Nitrite 0

NitrAte redder then red, fire truck red. off the chart red. Can't be can it?

I had this problem before and a few water changes solved it. But I'm looking for specific reasons this would happen.

I haven't tested in about a month. AND I have fry lots of them!! I think the test is off. This is my second NitrAte kit.

I bang the every living out of it and shake it like my life depends on it. Still the same results.

The NitrAte test is the worse outta the API IMO.
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Convict2161 said:
Tap water tests fine.

Ammonia 0

pH 8.2

Nitrite 0

NitrAte redder then red, fire truck red. off the chart red. Can't be can it?

I had this problem before and a few water changes solved it. But I'm looking for specific reasons this would happen.

I haven't tested in about a month. AND I have fry lots of them!! I think the test is off. This is my second NitrAte kit.

I bang the every living out of it and shake it like my life depends on it. Still the same results.

The NitrAte test is the worse outta the API IMO.

Have you noticed if the spike is correlated with the amount of fry?
If you can still read te ink jet print in the bottle of the test, you should be able to see if is not a expired solution.... API people said that a kit more than 3 years is not reliable.
It's new but I'll double check. It can't be that high can it? And everything is alive? Those little babies are swimming around. Test has to be off gonna check in the morning and post what I find.
Hey convict!

If you bought it recently I doubt it's out if date.
What I'm thinking is over the last month your water change schedule hasn't quite been keeping up with the bioload of your fish and the nitrate is slowly rising more and more. Make sense? And the fry are getting bigger and bigger creating more waste. Have you cleaned the filter media and housing recently? Might be due.
Mumma.of.two said:
Hey convict!

If you bought it recently I doubt it's out if date.
What I'm thinking is over the last month your water change schedule hasn't quite been keeping up with the bioload of your fish and the nitrate is slowly rising more and more. Make sense? And the fry are getting bigger and bigger creating more waste. Have you cleaned the filter media and housing recently? Might be due.

Hey Mumma! Long time! Hope all is well! To answer your question yes, I have diligently cleaned my fx5 the hoses, sponges the inside casing and everything. Cleaned everything in tank water. I even ran the outtake into a 5 gallon bucket to clean out the gunk in the hose. Took out the intake and washed it in tank water and took apart the outtakes as well. EVERYTHING got a good cleaning about 2-3 weeks ago. Carbon in my AC 110 wouldn't help any right? I mean the test kit I bought when I started way back. What was that October?

So that's the answer, what else could it be? Maybe I just slacked on the water changes. I was nervous because of the fry. I guess it's back to weekly's.

And you know me this is gonna drive me CRAZY!! You know I haven't had luck with this test. I just don't want a repeat of anything prior delt with if ya know what I mean.
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Mumma.of.two said:
Oh and fish can use to high nitrate levels if it increases slowly (over weeks months). Doesn't mean it's good for them though.

Yeah I've always had trates but NEVER blood red!! It wasn't even on the chart! I kid you not. Scary.
Convict2161 said:
Hey Mumma! Long time! Hope all is well! To answer your question yes, I have diligently cleaned my fx5 the hoses, sponges the inside casing and everything. Cleaned everything in tank water. I even ran the outtake into a 5 gallon bucket to clean out the gunk in the hose. Took out the intake and washed it in tank water and took apart the outtakes as well. EVERYTHING got a good cleaning about 2-3 weeks ago. Carbon in my AC 110 wouldn't help any right? I mean the test kit I bought when I started way back. What was that October?

So that's the answer, what else could it be? Maybe I just slacked on the water changes. I was nervous because of the fry. I guess it's back to weekly's.

And you know me this is gonna drive me CRAZY!! You know I haven't had luck with this test. I just don't want a repeat of anything prior delt with if ya know what I mean.

It has been :) alls well in the fishy world of mumma :D

Mmm, if it was 2-3 weeks ago it might be due again. Carbon won't do anything for nitrates. Octobers not that long ago. I wouldn't be worried. :) How much water have you been changing and how often?
I'm thinking if you test just before your weekly water change from now on to keep an eye on trates and know exactly how much you need to change.

Convict2161 said:
Yeah I've always had trates but NEVER blood red!! It wasn't even on the chart! I kid you not. Scary.

I got some goldfish from a friend and they where that color. It almost looked like someone had bled into the test tube! :/
Ok I'll clean it up good again. I was doing 20% every other week. Maybe I gotta go back to weekly's and maybe like 30%. And see what that does.

Good to hear all is well! :)

Following your TV thread btw... Looking good.
You are still having the same problem as before. The solution is the same.

Seems like you're doing a lot of work to maintain your tank. It should be a lot easier than this.
Terrance said:
You are still having the same problem as before. The solution is the same.

Seems like you're doing a lot of work to maintain your tank. It should be a lot easier than this.

The nitrate issue? If that's what you mean yes. Other then that all is good. No columnaris or anyother outbreaks. I slacked on the water changes so it's my own fault.
Convict2161 said:
Ok I'll clean it up good again. I was doing 20% every other week. Maybe I gotta go back to weekly's and maybe like 30%. And see what that does.

Good to hear all is well! :)

Following your TV thread btw... Looking good.

Well there's your problem :) try 50% weekly and see where that gets you.

Getting there slowly with the TV :)
Mumma.of.two said:
Well there's your problem :) try 50% weekly and see where that gets you.

Getting there slowly with the TV :)

I bet I'll be fine when I go back to my regular weekly's :)
Mumma.of.two said:
Hey convict!

If you bought it recently I doubt it's out if date.
What I'm thinking is over the last month your water change schedule hasn't quite been keeping up with the bioload of your fish and the nitrate is slowly rising more and more. Make sense? And the fry are getting bigger and bigger creating more waste. Have you cleaned the filter media and housing recently? Might be due.

Exactly what I was thinking.
Convict2161 said:
Ok I'll clean it up good again. I was doing 20% every other week. Maybe I gotta go back to weekly's and maybe like 30%. And see what that does.

I'm amazed you're doing that little. I always aim for 40-50% every Thursday.
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