NitrAte spike, what causes it?

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Malawi Freak said:
I'm amazed you're doing that little. I always aim for 40-50% every Thursday.

Yeah I'll admit it I've been slacking. With the baby and work and everything it's been a little rough. I gotta get to my ways. Saturday water change days.
50% every week whether it needs it or not. Or if you're Jessica, 50% every day whether it needs it or not. :lol: Sorry.....had to say it. ;)
Jmedic25 said:
I think you got your hand slapped enough on this one......So I wont comment :)

Yes... Yes I did... As I set up for another 50% wc right now. NitrAtes still through the roof!! Redder than a 5 alarm fire!!!
Jill said:
50% every week whether it needs it or not. Or if you're Jessica, 50% every day whether it needs it or not. :lol: Sorry.....had to say it. ;)

Well as convict knows I don't need to change my water and I am not sure why. Well the longest I've gone is 6 weeks but normally I change at 4 weeks just to clean it up. Water always test fine, just this week I decided I'm changing 10 % every week for so on so I'm reasons. If you want to know check out my thread water changes.

Could this be that you did to much of a change and cleaned a little to well and messed up the natural balance. And then waited to long to re change water. What I am saying is you cleaned to much good bacteria and the tank could not do its job without your help. Make since?
Well as convict knows I don't need to change my water and I am not sure why. Well the longest I've gone is 6 weeks but normally I change at 4 weeks just to clean it up. Water always test fine, just this week I decided I'm changing 10 % every week for so on so I'm reasons. If you want to know check out my thread water changes.

Could this be that you did to much of a change and cleaned a little to well and messed up the natural balance. And then waited to long to re change water. What I am saying is you cleaned to much good bacteria and the tank could not do its job without your help. Make since?

Andrew's nickname should be "Longer"

I have been Following your Water changes Thread
It's possible. I did another 50% wc tonight and got it down to 40ppm finally. Will do another one tomorrow. A big difference from off the chart 160ppm!!
Could this be that you did to much of a change and cleaned a little to well and messed up the natural balance. And then waited to long to re change water. What I am saying is you cleaned to much good bacteria and the tank could not do its job without your help. Make since?

That would not relate to high nitrAte reading. Your statement would be valid if there were signs of ammonia or nitrIte.

The high nitrAtes is a sign that there is not adequate water change and/or an overstocked tank. NitrAtes do not shoot up that high so fast with only inadequate water change.
Terrance said:
That would not relate to high nitrAte reading. Your statement would be valid if there were signs of ammonia or nitrIte.

The high nitrAtes is a sign that there is not adequate water change and/or an overstocked tank. NitrAtes do not shoot up that high so fast with only inadequate water change.

Over stocked and slacked BIG TIME on my water changes. Back to weekly's.
Jill said:
Wow....holy nitrates! That is red. :ermm:

And that's an improvement!! Should have taken a picture yesterday. Another water change. Maybe a little more then 50% this time.

Guess lesson learned. DO NOT slack on your water changes!! Looks like I'll be doing them all weekend maybe twice a day!
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You did the right thing cleaning filters and tank, getting as much organic waste out of there as you can and water changes should balance it out , wow that is red lol
Yes... Yes I did... As I set up for another 50% wc right now. NitrAtes still through the roof!! Redder than a 5 alarm fire!!!

D, Are you cleaning the HOB media as well? Just beware of a mini cycle. Test ammo and nitrite as well if your doing a big cleaning. Also be on the lookout for dead fish that may be hidden somewhere. I wonder how duckweed would do in your tank. It grows so fast under intense light that your fish couldnt eat it all. It consumes nitrates like nothing else ive seen. But if you have a lot of flow at the top of your tank its hard to use. Since your flow is under the surface is possible. Maybe you should look into it. I would like to here what Mumma thinks of duckweed and water lettuce in a Mbuna tank.
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