Nitrite and Nitrate levels... Fish okay???

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 27, 2015
My dad bought two chromis yesterday they are definitely stressed, but my nitrates also high. 160 ppm. Nitrites are 2 ppm. Let me know if they are in danger and what I need to do! Thank you everyone

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Ammonia and nitrite is poisonous to fish. Nitrates in high levels, like you are reporting, is also stressful and can be deadly. The key to keeping nitrates in check is weekly water changes of at least 10%. You will need to do large water changes simply to get the nitrate levels in check so you can maintain it with 10%. I would do a handful of 50% water changes over a week period to bring the nitrates down as close to 0 as possible.
How large of a tank is this?
How often do you feed?

Forgot to mention that stuff! Tank is 60 gallon with 65lbs live rock finished curing and cycling last week. We've fed like twice so far

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Rock hasnt finished curing then. If it has you will have 0 nitrites and just nitrates. Thats where doing water changes is required. Can you quarantine chromis for a bit?
Good luck either way.

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