no Canopy- Do I dare? Will my barbs jump for sure?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 8, 2005
Ravena, NY
Since I got my glass canopy, a couple of weeks ago, it seems like my hairgrass is not spreading as quickly. And doesn't look as healthy as it did. I think this is because the glass canopy is blocking enough of the light to make a difference. Likely?

I want to take the canopy back off but now I have Barbs in my tank and I read that they are jumpers.
Has anyone had any barbs or rainbows jump out?
Or does anyone have a tank with barbs, no canopy, and no jumpers?
Should I risk it?
I have 3 tigers, 3 bosemani, 2 new guinea red, 2 praecox, 3 odessa, and a long fin rosy barb in a 90gal with an open top and haven't had any problems. The rainbows will make a commotion at feeding time but they never surface otherwise.
Hoovercat said:
I have 3 tigers, 3 bosemani, 2 new guinea red, 2 praecox, 3 odessa, and a long fin rosy barb in a 90gal with an open top and haven't had any problems. The rainbows will make a commotion at feeding time but they never surface otherwise.

How long have you had that tank in its current state?
i have denisonii barbs, saes and a whole bunch of other barbs and tetras in a 125g with an open top. i have only lost one fish (an sae) to jumping. i think you shlould be fine.
Only jumpers I've had were SAE's, and that was only because my breeding Kribs chased him outta the tank.
mine evaporates very quickly, because my tank is right next to my radiator. i lose about 5-10% over the week, depending on how cold it is outside, and how high my heater is on. but since i do a pwc every week, it hardly matters.
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