No gravel for fry tank?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2011
North Las Vegas, NV
I have a 10 gal tank I intend to use as a fry tank that I've been cycling since yesterday with a filter (sponge covering intake) and Top Fin Water Conditioner.. I have 35 six day old Dalmatian Molly fry in a bowl waiting to go into the tank once it's safe for them. Would it affect the quality of the water to not have gravel in the tank? I'm thinking to only have the plastic plants in the tank and add gavel once the fry are 1/2" and sturdier... I'm worried about them getting stuck in the gravel or something going wrong with it.. But also worried about not having enough beneficial bacteria in the tank without it.
I have another Dalmatian Molly who will drop her fry within a week or so that I also would like to add to the tank with these other babies after they're born.

I also have another 10 gal with:

* 3 Dalmatian Mollies ( 1 male, 2 female )
* 2 Guppies ( male )
* 2 Gold Twinbar Platys ( male )

I appreciate any advice or help you could offer.. Thank you :)

It should be fine without gravel. I don't think fry have a huge bioload so you don't have to worry about having a ton of BB bacteria.
No it's not in the water but gravel won't make a big difference unless
You have a UGF
there is almost no good bacteria in the water,but if you have a filter or do really frequent pwcs it shouldn be fine. i like gravel if there are fry because it gives them a place to hide

mollies need at least a 30 gallon tank,they get pretty big

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