Aquarium Advice Freak
i recently picked some new Lr cleaned it up and all, and a couple days later i notice this translucent gel looking blob on the under side of it(its kinda flat so it sits like a shelf) Ive tried to get pictures of it countless times but being that its basically clear, unless you know what ya looking at you don't really see it.. i know where it is lol but in a photo it seems to be a lost cause, best way i can describe its.. if you've ever seen one of those small but really thick spiderwebs that's in the corner of a room...imaging it soaking wet kinda whit but mostly clear.. i tried flipping the rock over and its harder to see when the direct light hits it and when i took the rock out it seemed to disappear completely..almost like it was a thin membrane type sac that filled with water. I'm still working on getting a picture where you can actually notice it but so far all attempts have failed miserably... it just blends in with the rock its attached to and i noticed that there are about 3-4 spots on the bottom of the rock with this...whatever it is... they're not big and don't seem to be spreading and all i have are a couple hermits and nassarius snails b/c the tank is only been up for about a month so i don't know if they'd cause a problem. I'm thinking(hoping) some type of harmless sponge(hopefully) does this sound remotely familiar to anyone?