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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 27, 2008
If you read my posts in the forums here you know I recently lost all my fish to Ich, and a poorly cycled aquarium. I lost all my fish but one.. I still have a healthy tiger Danio left. I decided to start over fresh and here is what I did...

I purchased a new Fluval 305 canister filter for my 29 gallon aquarium. This was replaced with a regular hanging filter which I had purchased about a month or so ago. I hated that filter because it caused allot of water splashing. The Fruval is much more quiet now and I love it.

I temporally pulled out the Danio and put him in a bucket, I put the old bio media in the same bucket, and I emptied the tank and rinsed everything else out really well with tap water.

Hooked up the new filter, 100% new declorinated water, and all the decorations back into the tank. I put the Danio back in, gave him a feeding. I also put the old bio wheel and old filter in which I plan to take out eventually. I was thinking it might help they cylce if I do this. And so far thats it.

I just want step by step procedures on what I am supposed to do. WHen do I do my next water change? I was planning on doing a 40% water change weekly. Is that sufficient or to much since its pretty much a new tank. Normal feedings or do I need to overfeed for cycling? I want to be sucessful at this. Everytime I test the water amonia and nitrates are always zero and in the safe zone.

Thanks in advance for your help! :)
You will have to test you parameters and do water changes whenever you see ammonia or nitrite rise. Keep both ammonia and nitrite as close to 0ppm as possible. One danio will not cycle a tank that large. I would recommend getting a new home for the danio and doing a fishless cycle then adding fish once the cycle is done.
I wouldn't add quite so many fish as suggested (1 zebra danio would be more than enough in a 10 gallon, which really doesn't give enough swimming room for such an active fish) and I would recommend letting your Ammonia and Nitrite levels tell you how often and how large of water changes you should do. Any time either is above 0.5ppm, do a large enough water change to get it back under 0.5ppm.
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