Wanted: Odyssea fixture

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 11, 2013
I want a odyssea fixture for a 48 inch tank let me know if you have one
If you want a new fixture, check Topdogsellers on Amazon. They have them very reasonably priced.
Any particular reason that brand?
I'll have a current usa 4x54w available here soon if you are interested..
I have 6 Odyssea fixtures in use. Have had all of them for over a year. The only thing I've had to do is replace one ballast, which is very easy due to it being remote. Unscrew the old, and screw in the new one. The only complaint is the quality of the bulbs. They are ok, but definitely not top of the line. I replaced some with ZooMed bulbs, and some with Giesman just to see which I liked better. I feel the Fixtures are pretty decent for the price.
Right, the MH fixtures are a bit different than the HO T-5 fixtures. Not sure I would use the MH fixtures either!!
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