Oh ick!.. Compatiable fish for temperature treatment?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 13, 2007
I've got a new tank setup recently and had JUST gotten it cycled and everything settled down - last week I noticed a few spots on my 5 tiger barbs and I am betting its ICK from the article I read here on AA.

My question is, will the barbs deal with the temperature ok? I was so close to putting in my blue crayfish this afternoon, before I noticed the ick. How would he deal with the temperature as well? I've got quite a few pieces of decor and ALOT of anacharis in the tank so I don't really want to use any medication.

I've got a air bubbler that runs the length of the 10 gallon aquarium, as well as a gargoyle decor item that makes bubbles as well.

Any quick advice so I can jet to the LFS and grab a heater..? What specs on the heater are recommended for a 10 gallon tank?
You need to raise the temp to 88F. Keep the temps up for 2 weeks AFTER you see the last spot of ich. I use a 50w heater on my tank. Visitherm is a good brand, so is ebo jager. You don't need any meds, I'd avoid putting a crayfish in the tank.
Yeah I'm going to wait on the crayfish.

I ran to a couple LFS and wal-mart and found a tetra 50w heater but it didn't say what the max temperature was. Also found a HAGEN model but again, it didn't state what the max temperature was - just mentioned higher or lower on the adjuster knob - both of those models for around 10-15$.

Found another RENA model that was 40$ and it went all the way to 90 degrees. I guess this is my only option..

Do most 50w-100w go to 90 degrees? I'd hate to purchase a heater for it not to even get that high of a temp. Half of the heaters don't even mention what temperature they go to.
All of my 50w heaters go to 90F. I never buy a heater that doesn't say how high it goes to, to hard to regulate IMO. Does your walmart have heaters of their own brand? I have 3 walmart brand heaters and they show how high they go. They aren't submersible though. Have had them 2 years with no problems. Also they are cheaper if you need to save money.
My wally world has a few tetra brand heaters, but they only mention they maintain a temperature of around 72, not raise or lowering temp.

I will have to swing by a couple more pet stores tomorrow since most were closed. I hope it doesn't get worse..

I might order from bigals if I cant find anything reliable, but shipping will add some to that price.
I don't have any heater at the moment no, I am looking to get a reliable one. I didn't want to dump 50$ into a heater at my LFS unless it could be avoided, I'd like something reliable if I have to spend that much. My aquarium kit didn't come with a heater either.

And my wal-mart section has crap for fish stuff. Most the stores around here close at 3or4. I just happened to read up on ICK this afternoon otherwise I would've gotten on it quicker :|.
I feel for you, if there isn't too many spots you should be ok until tomorrow. I don't suppose you know anyone that might be able to loan you a heater for the night?
My pops is the only person I would assume to have something like a aquarium heater. Hes a bio teacher for a high school. But he lives over 2 hours away :O.

The LFS aren't to impressive either to be honest.

There were some Jungle Labs ICK treatment dealies, fizz tablets that I was look at. But it mentioned it would stain the decor in my tank? And I assumed it would toast my anacharis as well.. right when I finally got it to root!

The fish are REALLY active, almost like nothing is wrong. They are eating great and everything, chasing each other around to.
I think you should be ok, ich meds can also destroy your beneficial bacteria which you don't want to happen when you have finished a cycle. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes.
Got ahold of a visi-therm heater today. 40$ for a Stealth 50w ! Yowza, oh well.

It only goes up to 89 but I figure thats high enough, all the other heaters I saw were the same - if anything some went to 90. One degree shouldn't be much.

Letting it get used to water temp, and moved it up one degree to see if my water thermometer will read accurately.

It takes a good two weeks to get rid of this ick? Hopefully this won't toast my plants or barbs.
I have green tiger barbs that were covered in ick. I did the temp. treatment along with Rid Ich+ it worked like a charm. On day 3 there were no more spots on the barbs and all is well now. I had the temp. to about 84 degrees by the way.

On the other hand, I'm trying to fight off ick in my other fish tank. I purchased some fish from petco and these ick infected fish got my whole tank infected. My poor kissing gourami is trying to scratch it self against the plants. I am doing the same treatment in this tank, temp. and rid ich+.

Good luck with yours.
It doesn't take 2 weeks to get rid of ich, it takes 2 weeks to keep it away. Your fish and plants will be fine. I just finished an ich treatment in my planted 55 gal, everyone and all plants fine.
Well I've been on 89-90 degrees for 3 days now and still see a few spots. Hoping for the best..
6th Day now, and just as the spots look liked they were thinning out, I have a fish whos tail is just covered.

I thought it took 3-4 days for the ick to die on fish, and an additional 2 weeks to rid it off the tank?

I hope this is normal.
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