oh my...need advice quickly

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 14, 2005
Halifax, NS
Hi there...my husband calls me downstairs to look into the tank as he finds all of these white things stuck to the intake tube of my filter...I do some research and find out that my angel fish laid eggs. Since I do not have another tank to put the tube into, I need some suggestions as to what I can do so that the eggs do not get eaten...

Please help!!

Thanks :eek:)
There is not much you can do. If this is the first time they probably didnt really get it right anyway. If they are anything like mine, they will do this every two weeks or so. It will give you time to make arrangements if you wish to hatch out the eggs and raise the fry. There is also the possibility that you have two females in which case the eggs are not fertilized at all.
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