Oh no! One of my fry has white spots! Quick!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 30, 2008
Ok, this may push me over the top. After all the problems and losing all but one fish in our 20 gallon from Ich, our 3 gallon with our four little fry has a fish with white spots! What should I do??? I do not think they will survive a slow increase to 86 degrees; they are just fry. I would go out and get some Quick cure in a heartbeat if it weren't for two things:

1) I only have access to Walmart tonight and I don't think they carry it.

2) While I can put gloves on to put the meds in, I will not be able to put my hands in the water after the medicine is in there. (no arguements on the toxicity of meds, etc etc...I am pregnant and this is not something that is debatable for me)

I could take the baby with white spots out, put it in the 20 gallon tank with the breeder net but I would think the jump in temp (from about 82-87 degrees) would alone kill that fry. But would this save this rest of the fry?

We will be leaving to go into town in about 20 minutes. Any quick help would be appreciated@
I think the fry are more likely to survive the heat treatment than chemical treatment. If you have an HOB filter, lower the water level, otherwise put in a bubbler. If the heat treatment didn't work for you before, I suspect a bad thermometer, and you need to push the temp up a little more.

Seperating out the sick fry will likely not solve the problem. Ich usually infests the whole tank, you're just seeing symptoms on one fish sooner than the others.
Boy, the fishie gods are not happy with me or something. I went to Walmart and got a heater for the little tank (it has always stayed a constant 80.5 pretty much so we never bothered). They amazingly had Quick Cure. So got that (figured I could return it if I didn't use it) and then got some gloves.

Still not comfortable enough to use the Quick Cure, no matter how much I want these little guys to make it. And the heater? Well, open it up to find out it is one of those you don't adjust! It sets the temp between 76-80. Uggh! So now no heater to raise the temp for these little guys.

Any ideas?

I am destined to be on the fishie gods bad girl list.
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