Old reptile java wood soaking

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Dec 21, 2013
Hey all iv been soaking java wood for over a week now replacing water everyday with hot water I tested the water and the nitrite was at 5 would that be normal

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I am not sure if that is a safe wood to use. Especially if you had it in with a reptile. I have soaked a bunch of wood in the last few months and I have never had it come up with nitrite. Then again I have never tested soak water.
I had been given a 29 tall, found out after I had set it up it was a reptile tank, ammo was off the charts in this thing, reptile excrement is extremely toxic, I would be very careful with that wood. Can you boil it?
It's to big to boil iv been using the kettle lol iv read people have used and tested java would on other forums

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Being as that it is wood and so permeable to and liquids if it was used with a reptile I wouldn't put it in with fish. I have always been told never to use anything for fish that was used for reptiles. I have never tried it. As the urine and excrement can leach in to even the silicone. I have never been gutsy enough to try it. Is there anyway you can find some wild dw. That I have done with good results and it's free.
Being as that it is wood and so permeable to and liquids if it was used with a reptile I wouldn't put it in with fish. I have always been told never to use anything for fish that was used for reptiles. I have never tried it. As the urine and excrement can leach in to even the silicone. I have never been gutsy enough to try it. Is there anyway you can find some wild dw. That I have done with good results and it's free.
I had a heck of a time cycling out the ammonia, 3 bags of bb from my fish guys later the tank leveled out, free tank or not I will never use reptilian hand me downs again..
Thanks for all replies I think I will knock that idea on the head then and find some wild bits any tips on that. Cheers

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There are a couple of ways to process the wild dw.
1) boil the driftwood for anywhere between 20 minutes to 4 hours and then soak for about a month. But this can damage the wood itself and make it break down faster and fouling up the tank. I do this but I soak it for a really long time!!! Last piece I did I soaked for over 2 months. I find that the boiling helps to saturate the wood and make it sink faster. Which is mainly why I use this method.
2) Bake it at 250F for 6 hours. This way doesn't compromise the wood but it dries it out and makes it hard to get it to sink. Still needs soaked for a long time to make sure it doesn't rot and foul your tank.
3) Bleach soak, Soak the piece in bleach water for about week. Then in regular water for another few weeks. To make sure that it again doesn't rot and foul your tank. The bleach may also damage the wood breaking it down in my opinion worse and faster than the boiling method.
Each method has it's pros and cons. As far as wood to choose this time of year kinda sucks for gathering dw because of the ice and snow. I like to look for wood that is already submerged. If that isn't an option you want to avoid green wood. Wood should be weathered for no less than 1 year outside older is always better and have no bark left on it. If you can easily peel it off that's ok too. Next check the wood to make sure it is a hardwood. Press your finger nail into it if it leaves a mark don't use it. So pines maples,
cedars and elms are out. They all have a tendency to leach not just tannins but saps and other harmful chemicals. These can be used but they have to be aged 10+ years to be truly safe for aquarium use.
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