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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 12, 2003
OKAY well if some of you have read my other post i said how i have salt buildign up on my mag drive pump that is out side of the sump i figured it out there was a crack in the casing so i brought it back to my LFS and they gave me a new one buttttttttttt when i got home i looked in the tank and i saw thousands of littlelike bugs so i called live and they said there like anemoa???????? oh and i see liek 20 lil wormsssssss? he said it was bc i didnt have any water movement they come in the live rock well now i have my pump back up and running
Pods and bristleworms.

Nothing to get bent out of shape about. Infact they are benifical to your system. Take a flashlight at night after lights go out and you will be amazed at the live that is in the tank that you just dont see during the day light hours.

Glad you got the pump replaced.
yea thank god lol :) my levels havent really spiked at all im so confuseddd? i have a shipment of more liverock from on tuesday so hopefully that will do it :) 40 lbs of rock last shipment of rock for me and oh i purchased a protein skimmer the berlin classic with a rio 2100 pump and ohhh i bought 2 maxi powerheadsss so what do u think?
Well if you used rock from the LFS then it might have been cured to a point that it was able to handle the dieoff.

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