One "slow" betta and one crazy one?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 11, 2014
Pittsburgh PA
One "slow&quot ; betta and one crazy one?

(WHOA, that title is not what i meant to put??? does it look weird for everyone else?) hi everyone! so as some of you may know, i was going to my lfs last night to look for another betta fish! i found one that i just fell in love with :) ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1425505330.403826.jpg this is Apollo. he's a really calm halfmoon betta (compared to Zeus, my crazy red vieltail who's in my icon picture thingy) so i was wondering, what would cause Apollo to be very "calm" and not really swim much? it could be that i just got him last night and he's still adjusting, but he is usually always at the top of the tank. the water parameters are fine, and the temperature is about 78-79°. do you think he just needs time to adjust? if i go up to the tank (or just walk by) he'll kind of "jump" and swim down in the water to look at me, so he's not like up there no matter what. but i'm just comparing him to Zeus, who is ALWAYS swimming around like a nut, lol! do you think i should do anything differently? or is he just shy/not as active as Zeus? thanks!!

'Tanks' very much! ~Zeus (betta), Apollo (betta), Loki (gold dust lyretail molly), five nameless dust mollies, and two nameless nerite snails ;)
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