Optimal cuc?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 24, 2012
Hey guys I have a 10g nano an was wondering what a good CUC would be. Currently I have:

X2 astrea snail
X2 red leg hermits

And other stock

1 goby
1 fire fish
1 tiger pistol
1 brain coral

What else could I add? Algae is building up and tank looks messy
Apparently not enough if you are still having algae problems. It's not going to happen overnight. Nuisance algae is a symptom of excess nutrient build up.
Critters wont solve your algae problem. I followed Dougs advice a long time ago and got rid of mine! I cut back on the light cycle , switched to distilled water and added Cheato to eat up excess nutrients. Also had to do alot of manual algae picking from rocks. It took a few months but after some time it all but disapeared.
RO/DI water and light are huge factors! On the cuc, blue legged hermits and more a couple more astreas IMO.
I have started to go RO water and I have probably too much flow. I'll do PWC more often but could it be that my lights are on too nuch? How much should be day loghts
My daylights were on about 10 hours. I cut back to about 6 or 7 on the daylights (due to algae problems) and 8 or 9 on the actinics. My actinics are on for an hour before the daylights and an hour after the daylights go off.
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