Orange Celebese?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 17, 2010
Soldotna, Alaska
I checked the salinity today in one of the brackish tanks... it was around .004 specific gravity. I try to keep the brackish tanks around .008, I'm not sure if thats the norm, its just what I was taught.

Well, anyway, it was overdue for a water change, So I decided to do one... I did about 30% and added some salt to the new water I put in.

The tank has 2 celebese Half- beaks in it, and I went back a few hours later. One of the Half-beaks was floating in there dead, and his whole belly ( the light part of it) was orange! I have never seen one with an orange belly like that, so I'm assuming its not normal and has something to do with the cause of his death.

I think I might have went wrong on the fact that I did not check the salinity of the water i put in during the water change, I did a guess-timate (yes, i'm terrible I know! I was in a hurry)

I didnt get a chance to check the salinity or test anything after the death, it was at work so I will have to wait until tomorrow.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this happening because too high of a salinity in a brackish tank? Or for any other cause.. It was the orange color that really alarmed me.....
just saw this...

how are your other fish after the water change? any other deaths?

Did the Celebese who dies display any other symptoms of illness? are you sure that it might not have had an internal infection?
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