orange starfish

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Can starfish see?

Mine wandered into my anemoe and it looked like he was trying to eat him but did not have much luck.

I've had him on this tank for months without incident but yesterday it was distrubing.

I would hope that they could no better. Anything I can do to keep him away?

No they cannot see. Maybe shelter him with some rock around him but really not much you can do.
there's no way, he's the wanderer. All over the place.

Guess its just nature. At least I know he can't be eaten. Probably happened before but its the 1st time I ever saw it.

He seemed to be bumming for a while but its back to roaming all over the tank. Probably won't get another one but he's pretty cool.

He climbs the overflow and the traction is not good for him because he base jumps from there. Be crawling across and the 3 stripe devil comes buy and bumps him and away he goes.

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