Oscarr's 20G Reef

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Thanks for the support Mac. Crazy to think this is what the tank looked like a year ago.

That's a big difference in before and after on the tank! Looks great. That's a cool angel fish too! Hope he does well for you.
Thanks Paul :)

I just brought home some chaeto and shoved it in my AC Filter. So far, everything is looking good. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are zeros across the board and the angel hasn't shown any interest in coral as of yet.
My lion either really likes me or I got super lucky...

I was working in my tank and I pretty much pet my lionfish right over it's spines. It's reaction was just to look up at me and not kick it's spines back. Talk about a close call.
Oh man that's a close call! I had a friend who got stung by a volitain...wasn't pretty!

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I'm sure it hurts like hell. The closest I've ever gotten to getting stung was by a long spine urchin. It wasn't as bad as I thought and after an hour of soaking my hand in vinegar, the pain was all gone.
Well, first warning sign appeared. I came home today and one of my Paly frags is wiped clean. It was there yesterday night and my lights haven't opened up yet so it had to have happened during lights off. Now, I don't know if the polyp could have been knocked off by my large snails or hermits, but I can't find it anywhere unless it fell behind the rock. I kind of don't want to believe the angel did it as all of my LPS looks good and the rest of the zoas are untouched.
False alarm. I found the polyp under some mushrooms in a rock crevice. I was nervous for a second there :p
A couple of top down shots for you guys :)



I'm other news, I'm thinking of starting a build thread for the upgrade soon. I don't plan on getting it wet until December but there's a lot of work to do and it would be fun to share it all with you guys.
That nem is awesome! Love top down shots!

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Starting to get a bit crowded in there eh??

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Oh it's full :p I'm assuming in three months time things are gonna start stinging each other. I'm planning accordingly with the upgrade. At least I can say I've got a full blown reef!
What size tank are you planning on going up to?

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I currently have a full 40 breeder system including stand, skimmer, sump, etc. unfortunately, I don't trust the tank's structural integrity so I'm looking to pick up a 3 foot 65 gallon. All I'm really missing is extra rock, sand, and a wave maker.
Quick update.

It seems as though the angel has HLLE. It is only mild and seems too progressed to have happened within the few days I've had him. He was skittish before I got him and I only got real face to face look yesterday when I noticed it. It's not too bad, only a little above the eyes and only noticeable when viewed extremely up close. I'm not too worried, my water parameters are perfect and I'm feeding a variety of healthy foods. My only concern is tank size, although temporary, it may still induce stress. So, I've gone a little to the extreme and I'm allowing direct sunlight into the tank as I've read that helps and whatever algae grows, it'll be more food for the angel and blenny to graze on.
Oh no! Just keep a good diet and water quality and he should be ok

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