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Solid Snake

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2003
Odenton, MD
My Oscar's have been together for 2 years and always got along well. I moved them into a larger tank a couple of days ago and now I can't tell if they hate each other or are mating? They swim at each other from opposite sides of the tank with mouths wide open until one backs down and turns away. I'm afraid they're going to kill each other. Help!
They may just be establishing their "turf" in the new, bigger tank. I don't know much about oscars (other than that they kinda scare me), but with most aggressive breeds, there is a lot of territoriality (usually between males).

hopefully there's an oscar expert around who may know more...
I'm just talking out of documentry watching but it sounds like they are posturing, which probably means they are trying to set up living areas in the new tank.

If you can find out how you should sex them to make sure if they are compatable.
If your Oscars have been together for 2 yrs, if they didn't like each other you would have known by now.
If they are jaw locking they are probably just making there territories. They also jaw lock when they want to breed, if you look on the underside of the Oscars if they want to breed there breeding tubes will be down.
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