Otos not interested in driftwood

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 27, 2003
Seattle, WA
How long does it take for the otos to start hanging out on the driftwood? I got that piece and treated it just for those little guys, and they could care less! The ones who seem interested in it are the molly fry, go figure.
You know, I have never seen mine on the driftwood I got for them. I'm wondering if their digestive systems are that different from the herbivore plecs ,that they don't need the lignin for digestion...
Hi myriam. My tanks have plenty of driftwood and for some reason they aren't the otos favorite place. They just seem to prefer hanging on plants, glass, even filter tubes. I tried reasoning with them but they wouldn't listen :lol:
Mine sometimes hang upside down on the rock decoration. Aren't fish unreasonable? ;-)
I have similar experience with my otos. They are not ever seen on the driftwood, though they are on the plants, glass, rocks, etc. I have some bristlenose plecos that are all over the driftwood, as expected, though, so it must be true that the otos do not require anything from the wood, and may even dislike the algae that grows there.
I always read that ottos like to eat off of smooth surfaces, like slate, plant's leaves, and glass. Mine don't touch the driftwood either.
Very strange. I'll keep this in mind... I think I'm getting some more otos for my 55 soon...
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