OverStocking 10 gallon?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2003
Texas USA
Right now I have 22 or 23 small feeder guppy around 1/2 an inch. 1 or 2 is about 1 inch long and the I have one small albino frog. I do a frequent 25% water change every 2 days. And I have a Penguin 170. I think it is a bit too strong for the tank since it baters around all my fish. Do I have too many fish in there?
Yep, you have too many fish in there. If you see the fish getting banged around by the current, that is too much water flow too.
whew way too many... i would only keep maybe 8 guppies in the 10 gal.. and your albino frog is it an african dwarf frog? just wondering, i havent seen any albino ones
really? i read somewhere that you can comfortably house about 20 guppies in a 10 gallon tank.. infact, the other day i was thinking about stocking up my 15g (15 guppies at the mo) :? is that a good idea?
oooo, and i've just remembered... you could try using a rain bar to help spread out the current coming from your filter so it doesn't batter you're fish around so much
"really? i read somewhere that you can comfortably house about 20 guppies in a 10 gallon tank.."

I have had upwards of 14 Guppies that were over .5 inches and some Catfish in my 10g, and it was way too many fish. Maintenence was constant and my fish got sick very often. As fish get moved around and lost, everything has been much better as the fish total goes down.

I have seen breeder tanks with around 40 Guppies in a 10g, but that does not mean it is OK for most people :)
I think the problem is that people see those display tanks in fish stores crammed with fish and think, thta looks pretty. But that is a temporary holding tank until the fish are sold. For a permanent home I would never have more than 8-10 fish total in a 10 gallon tank (and that is small bodied fish like guppies or neons).

If that is an albino frog then chances are that it is a clawed frog. They get bigger than the dwarves and have a tendancy to eat what they can catch.

If this tank is to raise feeder fish then you will want to thin it out. The last thing you want to have is sick feeder fish as they can possibly make you other fish sick as well.
^ i saw some clawed frogs at the petstore that were HUGE like really big... they could eat a fish no problem, like swallow it whole.. well if it is a clawed frog it will eventually kill the fish.. one easy way to tell (or so im told) if it has webbed feet its an ADF and if it doesnt its a clawed..

and about the guppies, 15 in a 15 gal might be ok.. but 22 is way too many for a 10 gal... could you move some from the 10 gal to the 15 gal?
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