P.h 6.2

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 16, 2012
I changed my water on my 55 gallon fish tank with African cichlids and I tested the water and the P.H. was 6.2 it is a stable P.H. and it has been like this for weeks so I'm wondering if this is bad or as Long as its stable is it good?
6.2 is pretty low.You should really look at about 8.I am assuming your talking about Malawi cichlids.Stable is good though and I wouldn't think they will suffer in your water.
I agree stability is more important but that is low. My Malawi tank is a steady 8.0. I do however use crushed coral in my HOB and use a buffer every now and again....
I've heard that baking soda can be used to raise ph could I do this over a couple of days and how much do I use
why not look into south american cichlids? they like a low ph. i have all s.a. and my ph is at about 6-6.2. all my cichlids are doing great and there is a huge variety of fish available. google s.a. cichlids and you can see all the choices. they would be a perfect match for your ph and you wouldn't have to mess with additives. i do believe that africans like a ph of about 8. that would mean raising the ph with chemicals as i don't think you could get to that ph naturally. good luck. :)
Ive looked into them and I like the look of the Africans more they are smaller and more colorful
Chances are, if you buy the fish local to you, the LFS is on the same water you are (unless you're on a well or something), and the pH will be about the same. I just wouldn't mess with it. While they do come from waters with a higher pH, most are bred in farms where the pH is likely left untouched.
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