About 2-3". I originally wanted a deep sandbed. Ive seem them 4'+. Once i add this new bag i will have 50lbs of sand in my tank.
My 35 had a pretty deep bed and I remember having so much visable life in it. It was probably 4-5".
Ahhh - thanks for the clarification, that makes sense.
Took these tonight. My gel sheet is getting hazy from micro scratches, which really messes with my camera. Need to order me some.
What is the average growth rate of zoa's? A head or two per month? My bam bam zoa seems tl have added a few heads and my orange zoa has 3 new heads since adding it
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Here is the zoa rock I picked up the other day.
Beautiful addition to your zoa garden. Is that a dragons eye?
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