Paul's 40 Gallon Reef

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Pretty crazy. I will say, when I had the pom pom crabs in my reef it was a huge treat to see one of them show up. Hope it turns into the same for you and the bumblebee shrimp.
Seen him for the first time the other night, then into the shadow he waddled.


Also, I figured I'd share these to small maxima's I added yesterday..... Not the happiest yet, but hopefully soon. One is a gold, the other is blue (or ultra blue as it was labeled). Second photo with flash so you can kinda see the color of the tissue.



Now..... back to not spending money....
Good luck man those tiny clams aren't even worth the trouble! I've given up on anything smaller than like 2.5-3"

Love the shrimp!
Well guys I took the 2 maximas back today. My little pygmy angel really liked them and I don't want them dying. They where from ORA too, so they have a good chance at survival. I did get a couple things for credit that I'll share when I can get some photos. Luckily I have not seen the pygmy pester the derasa.
So I ended up using the credit from the clams to get a super bright mushroom rock, zoas/paly and another mini-maxi nem (which is currently hiding before I could get a photo).

Colors where irresistible on this mushrrom rock.



Nice bright little unnamed zoas.

Captain America palys. (Should color up to ne a beauty)
Well took the derasa back today as well. That cute little pygmy angel likes that one too. However, the clam is being "baby sitted" for me until I can get this little monster out. He has also taken a liking to my palys, especially the 'armor of the gods'. Then to top it all of our of the blue he goes after the purple dartfish in a very aggressive way. I've seen him terrorize the poor little dartfish a few times now. He's gotta go. I've tried the trap twice so far. All the wrasses went right in, the dartfish and angel didn't even try at all. I can tell he is gonna be a hard one to catch. This is definitely my last angel unless I get a really big tank. Something very interesting that I have made note of is that almost everyone there is a "scuffle" between two fish, the leopard wrasse will usually swim into the middle of it which immediately breaks it up. He (actually still she probably) doesn't tolerate that nonsense, especially when it happens next to him. I thought that was actually very cool.
So I i got really lucky today and was able to trap the devilish pygmy angel. I took him to the LFS and got a little credit back. I also picked up a rather good size maze coral yesterday as well. I really liked the look of the piece and got such a good deal on it. I also went with a small gold maxima instead of getting my derasa back for now. To add to that I also got a single rhodactis mushroom that I thought was pretty neat that Ill add in with the others. Clams and mushroom photos will have to wait until they get a little situated, but here is the maze brain coral. It has tons of cool little sponges on the backside as well as some interesting polyps that I clipped off and put on a separate rock.





Quick FTS after arranging for the new additions.
Merry Christmas Paul. I love the new mushroom and the color is very pretty. I haven't seen one with those colors before. That's a nice looking brain coral. I like the variation of color that it has. Can't wait to see the other new additions.
So its a new near and what better way to start it than with a new fish? I ordered this guy last week and he came in friday. I was looking into some of the cave basslets available and I stumbled upon this guy for a considerably lower price than his relatives. I must say I am impressed with his color and am glad I placed the order. Now the question remains... how often will is see him in the tank? I really tried to get some good photos of him before releasing because Im not sure when the next (if any) photo opportunity will be because of how cryptic they can be. The orange in this fish is very intense in person. Here is my new swales basslet (Liopropoma swalesi).






I also got a short video clip of the fish. Here is the link to it.

More photos of the newer stuff.

The polyps that where found on the maze brain (topr) and the captain america palys (bottom).



Blue flasher wrasse.


Yellow fin flasher wrasse. (havent been able to get a clear shot on this guy yet)


The new mushrrom.


I almost forgot to mention, the gold maxima did not make it, It never opened up good and died rather quickly for me. I'm gonna hold off on clams for a little while again unless I get that derasa that I had back. I also added another anemone shrimp who is looking good so far, hosting the new mini-maxi that I still dont have a photo of yet (I will work on that). I have also done away completely with my refugium lighting & all of my chaeto algae. Its just really not necessary for me with the current dosing of Vibrant from UWC. I still have live rock down there (with a noisy pistol shrimp that I still cannot find) but will probably eventually do away with as well as upgrading my skimmer.
Well, the blue flasher did not make it. Laid down in the sand yesterday, and was found in the same spot dead this morning. He would seem to skip feedings. I believe he had some sort of internal parasite. It was a bummer, that was really the flasher that I wanted. In other news the yellow fin flasher is looking great and displaying frequently. I still cant manage to get a good clear shot of him while flashing. Hes not a fan of the camera. I have seen the newly added swales basslet for brief seconds while peering into the caves in the tank. I'm hoping he will eventually get comfortable enough to come out into the open. Here are some attempts at getting a good shot of the yellow flasher.


Sorry about your loss but that yellow fin is nice.

What I do is make a video on phone then pause and take screen shots it makes those hard to catch on picture fish much easier to get a good picture of :)
Sorry about your loss but that yellow fin is nice.

What I do is make a video on phone then pause and take screen shots it makes those hard to catch on picture fish much easier to get a good picture of :)

Great idea!
Thanks everyone. The tank has come a long way, with many bumps in the road. I'm pretty happy with where it's at/going.
So I was able to get some video of the Swale's basslet today. I think he is finally starting to get comfortable. He came out during feeding earlier and snatched a piece of food real quick. Here he is hanging out in his caves.
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