Peacock Gudgeon

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 16, 2011
Does anybody have had any experience with this fish? How to take care of them and preferred water quality? Thank you.


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I have been keeping some for a little over a year. Mine readily accept flakes and pellets and I've never had to do anything special to keep them. I keep them in room temp along with my black corys.
jetajockey said:
I have been keeping some for a little over a year. Mine readily accept flakes and pellets and I've never had to do anything special to keep them. I keep them in room temp along with my black corys.

What's the max size? Do they usually hang out n the bottom, mid or top? Are you selling some?
They spend most all of their time on the bottom. They appreciate small PVC tubes for spawning. They pretty much ignore other fish in the tank, although they do eat small fry.

I don't have any spare ones right now, the last adults I sent out were to ash and I've only got some very very small fry at the moment. They grow really slowly, I didn't start seeing sexual maturity in my last group till at least 4-6 months old.
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