Peppermont Pleco

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 6, 2011
North California
My way to make play. I want him to show himself. I see him twice a week. I have lots of plants and wood for him to hide in. But anything I can so to make him feel comfortable to just swim around tank?
Do you have any other Plecos? Yea. Mine swims around while cleaning. And just hangs out under wood. I need to figure a way to arrange it so he is hiding, but I can still see him. Like a two year old who isnt a good hider.
Haha. I only got one. And I got a hob filter and he just hangs out attached to the thing that sucks the water up. But when I feed he will come straight up. How long have you had him?
About two weeks. I'm going to try cucumber tomorrow. He will probably love it! Maybe that will get him to come out.
He might still be adjusting. Some fish tank longer then others. He might still be a little shy. Just give him time and he'll come out. That how mine was
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