Pics of my 55gal

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 7, 2005
Teutopolis, IL
Here are some pics of my 55 gal I am still in the starting phase after the cycle. I would love to hear some constructive critizism on the tank (not the pics, I am a learning photogropher).


  • dsf_165.jpg
    157.2 KB · Views: 95
Looking good.... (y)

As for looks, might think of a little more hardscape on the left. Maybe something that isn't as big as what's on the right, so it doesn't make the tank look too symetrical (same size both sides). Keep it a little off-set. Looking great so far... :)
I definitly think driftwood would look excellent in that tank. I also love the background, great choice!
I will have to look into getting a peice of driftwood.

yeah the background originally was purchased because the back side was black. It was the only one my lfs had. When I set up the tank again I switched it back to the way it was suppossed to be. the more and more I look at it the more I like it.
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