Pictus catfish and Firemouth

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 18, 2002
Perth, Australia
How large do pictus catfish actually grow?
I have experienced some conflicting advice.
I have read 6inch and 2foot! They are a bit different!
Are they compatabile with firemouth cichlids?
Could a pair of firemouths and a pictus live together?
Thankyou for any advice
A pictus catfish grows to 4 inch and the firemouth grows to 6inch.

It is alright to put them together but do remember that the firemouth is territorial especially during breeding times. :mrgreen:
Pictus cats can grow a good bit larger in aquariums. I've seen trade-ins that were in the seven to eight inch range. I've heard of even bigger specimens-- but not actually seen them.

A pictus and a pair of firemouths would probably get along most of the time, but you'd need a pretty large tank to ensure the pictus had enough room to get away from the wrath of protective firemouth parents.
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