Aquarium Advice FINatic
After doing a bit of reasearch, I figured I would try a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone. Its pretty small - a few inches spread out. I've wanted to try one and was reading this is a good 'starter'/ easier to care for. My only concern is that I've read it can catch and eat fish ( but clowns will sometimes host them, although not as likely with this species)
Has anyone had much experience with this species? I'm a bit concerned since some people on another forum have claimed they've eaten a clown or a damsel. The book I was reading said they will do well with high lighting and whatever floats by ( dont need to be target fed) but I should I am guessing, every few weeks to make sure its not tempted to get my fish, right?
Right now I have my PC bulbs on ( 2 x 96 watt). I was rerading this is sufficient - would the MH be too much for them? I cant find a definate answer.
The darn thing likes to move a lot! Interesting.. I guess I'll keep an eye on it.
Has anyone had much experience with this species? I'm a bit concerned since some people on another forum have claimed they've eaten a clown or a damsel. The book I was reading said they will do well with high lighting and whatever floats by ( dont need to be target fed) but I should I am guessing, every few weeks to make sure its not tempted to get my fish, right?
Right now I have my PC bulbs on ( 2 x 96 watt). I was rerading this is sufficient - would the MH be too much for them? I cant find a definate answer.
The darn thing likes to move a lot! Interesting.. I guess I'll keep an eye on it.